Just back from a weeks camping on the eastern side of the Coromandel. A great week despite almost being blown away on the first night. Our camp ground had an impressive row of hydrangeas in full bloom, I got a sketch of some of our group relaxing in front of them...

Whitianga Harbour. I had a couple of goes at this, it's quite an action packed small harbour with lots launches, fishing boats and a ferry that runs all day to the Flaxmill Bay side...

Here's Louis fishing under the wharf. We forgot the rods, so we had to use the hand lines...

The kids amused themselves by riding their bikes around the camp with other camp kids and by playing card games with their cousins. That's our tent in the background...

A trip to Hot Water beach, we had great fun digging our hot pool until the tide came in and demolished it, so we had no choice but to swim in the surf instead. It's probably 10 years or so since I've been there last and it's become really popular, loaded with international travelers, in bus loads.

Mike above enjoying some of Irelands finest.
Our old gas camp lamp and
the mosquito that sucked my
blood at the bottom left!
This is Otama Beach below. It's a bit further to the
north (over the Black Jack road from Kouatunu).
The beach is so nice, it feels more like Tahiti...

Louis bike in the campground and a sketch at the excellent Luke's Kitchen by the stream at Koaotunu

More sketches in the campground, and old Massey Fergusson now used for towing fishing boats and a a classic kiwi milkshake vessel The Longest Drink in Town...

Whitianga Harbour again, and Mercury Bay in a kind of fisheye style from Buffalo beach at the bottom.

Whitianga Harbour. I had a couple of goes at this, it's quite an action packed small harbour with lots launches, fishing boats and a ferry that runs all day to the Flaxmill Bay side...

Here's Louis fishing under the wharf. We forgot the rods, so we had to use the hand lines...

The kids amused themselves by riding their bikes around the camp with other camp kids and by playing card games with their cousins. That's our tent in the background...

A trip to Hot Water beach, we had great fun digging our hot pool until the tide came in and demolished it, so we had no choice but to swim in the surf instead. It's probably 10 years or so since I've been there last and it's become really popular, loaded with international travelers, in bus loads.

Mike above enjoying some of Irelands finest.
Our old gas camp lamp and
the mosquito that sucked my
blood at the bottom left!
This is Otama Beach below. It's a bit further to the
north (over the Black Jack road from Kouatunu).
The beach is so nice, it feels more like Tahiti...

Louis bike in the campground and a sketch at the excellent Luke's Kitchen by the stream at Koaotunu

More sketches in the campground, and old Massey Fergusson now used for towing fishing boats and a a classic kiwi milkshake vessel The Longest Drink in Town...

Whitianga Harbour again, and Mercury Bay in a kind of fisheye style from Buffalo beach at the bottom.